Saturday, January 27, 2007

Rhodes To The Rescue!

Omar Vizquel is long gone from the American League, but those shiny lobe-trotters that caused a lifelong rivalry are back as Arthur Rhodes agreed to a minor-league contract with the Mariners yesterday. Don't recall it? It's the moment that made Rhodes famous back in 2001. No, not his 1.72 ERA that year, but his ability to get ejected over a refusal to take off a pair of earrings at a baseball game.
I'd counter that Bavasi has reached a new low, but in this case, I think he's making a good move. Yes, I used the word "Bavasi" and the phrase "a good move" in the same sentence. Don't worry, it's not all good news, because I think Rhodes is perfect because our recent signing of Reitsma is a flop just waiting to happen. We need another lefty in the 'pen and George Sherril, the one man wonder, just isn't going to cut it.
Is he 36? Yeah. Is he past his prime? Probably. But Bavasi understands one thing that most Mariner fans can't grasp: the more, the merrier.
Let's say Ichiro is a 10 out of 10, and Horacio Ramirez is a 2 of 10. Which is better? Ichiro, of course.
However, if we have 6 Horacio Ramirezes, then that's 12 out of 10. It's simple math, folks.
We may not have 5 good players to string together, but we have about 50 lousy ones. And as any good baseball fan knows, it's not about losing as a single player, it's about losing as a team. And for the M's this year, suck is something they may all be able to do together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.